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Manipulation and investigation materials
To meet the pigs’ needs to investigation behaviour

Pigs investigate their surroundings by performing digging, sniffing, biting and chewing movements. Therefore, a lack of investigation and manipulation materials can adversely affect the behavior of the pigs. Some weaners and finishers develop tale biting behavior that is related to their current motivational state.

Therefore, the current Danish legislation set up the minimum standards for the protection of pigs (pig farming). According to the current rules, “pigs must have permanent access to a sufficient quantity of material to enable proper investigation and manipulation activities”

We offer several types of manipulation materials adapted to different types of pigs and pens.

Straw racks for pigs

Straw rack for farrowing pens
10 L, 350 x 360 x 198,5 mm

Straw rack for sows
255 L, 1188 x 714 x 469 mm
Galvanized steel

Straw rack for weaners and finishers
35 L, 588 x 514 x 205 mm
Galvanized steel

Holder for manipulation materials

Black pipe for playing/manipulation materials PE - 125 X 4,8 mm
Length 6 m, 6 Bar

  • Meets the pigs’ needs for feed digging and investigation behavior
  • Used to minimize the risk of tail biting
  • Easy to mount
  • Quick and easy replacement of wooden sticks