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Our Values

At ACO Funki, our core values shape how we interact with our customers and define our approach to business. We prioritize customer focus, understanding the critical importance of their needs and perspectives in our operations. Respect is foundational, emphasizing our reliance on customers and our commitment to fulfilling their expectations. Credibility underscores our dedication to trustworthiness and professionalism across all interactions. Last but not least, flexibility enables us to tailor our solutions to each customer's unique requirements, ensuring the highest satisfaction and value creation.

These values guide us in fostering sustainable and beneficial relationships with our clients, reflecting our passion and commitment to excellence in everything we do.


The customer is the most important for ACO Funki. The customer does not depend on us – we depend on the customer. The customer is not an interruption of our work – but the purpose itself. The customer is someone who brings his wishes to us. It is our job to handle these so that they create value for both parties.


We respect our customers. We depend on them - they do not depend on us. Our customers are the driving force in our work, and everyone takes pride in reaching their wishes and needs.


Credibility is the cornerstone of our relationship with the customer. Our professionalism and passion permeate the entire value chain, and we keep our promises. We protect long-term relationships and are committed to sustainable collaboration with our customers.


The best and most valuable solution is created based on the customer’s needs. No customers are alike. Through flexibility, we strive to meet the customer’s wishes.