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PiggiSoup Liquid Feeding for Weaners
Smart solution for the zinc-free weaning

Why is the right feed so important for pigs at weaning?

Improving the feed intake of piglets during the transition period from lactation to independent feeding is beneficial for their growth. This transition helps the piglets get used to consuming feed instead of relying solely on milk, preventing development delays.

By encouraging early feed consumption, you avoid the need to nurse piglets that are not yet eating solid feed.

When you provide feed matching piglets' stomachs, their feed utilization is optimized. This means the piglets are given appropriate feed that their digestive systems can efficiently process, promoting better overall growth and development.

We apply a multiple distribution approach to ensure the feed provided to the piglets is always fresh. This method helps minimize the accumulation of residues in the feeding pipes and reduces the volume of feed stored in tanks and mixing containers.

The system is fully automatic and does not require any special technical knowledge to use.

About PiggiSoup

PiggiSoup is a residual-free liquid feeding system for weaners. It is a great start right after weaning: the system makes small dosages of liquid feed with short intervals and distributes it to pigs, which means they always get fresh feed. Furthermore, a liquid feed is easy to digest, and the weaners start gaining weight from the first day.

Manual feeding of the piglets has shown significant improvement in growth when dosing with good products. However, manual feeding requires a lot of person-hours, and in general, dosing won't happen when pigs are hungry but when people are in sight.

With PiggiSoup system, piglets always get fresh feed due to the frequent mixing and dosing in small amounts. Besides, there are no feed residuals in the pipes during the pauses.

Piglets always get the food they need and therefore grow faster. Piggi Soup is an alternative to the time-consuming manual feeding.

Automatically scheduled cleaning keeps the piglets' bacteria levels at a minimum — less mortality rate.

Learn more about PiggiSoup
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