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FunkiNet Piggi Soup: Liquid feeding system for piglets
Smart solution for the zinc-free weaning

Piggi Soup is a residual-free liquid feeding system for weaners. It is a great start right after weaning: the system makes small dosages of liquid feed with short intervals and distributes it to pigs, which means they always get fresh feed. Furthermore, a liquid feed is easy to digest, and the weaners start gaining weight from the first day.

Manual feeding of the piglets has shown significant improvement in growth when dosing with good products. However, manual feeding requires a lot of person-hours, and in general, dosing won't happen when pigs are hungry but when people are in sight.

Therefore, we have developed the Piggi Soup system.

Zinc-Free weaning

The pigs must learn to eat before weaning. Then the intestine has become accustomed to digesting plant-based feed, and the pigs have learned to get to the trough.

Therefore, SEGES Pig Production recommends various measures for weaning without medicinal zinc. One is allocating liquid feed 3-4 times daily - both before and after weaning. This is precisely what the Piggi Soup system is made for.

Always fresh feed

Piglets always get fresh feed due to the frequent mixing and dosing in small amounts. Besides, there are no feed residuals in the pipes during the pauses.

Piglets always get the food they need and therefore grow faster. Piggi Soup is an alternative to the time-consuming manual feeding.

Automatically scheduled cleaning keeps the piglets' bacteria levels at a minimum — less mortality rate.

How it works

Piggi Soup keeps water and acid as a stabilizer in pipes and distribution tanks during the night when the system is inactive. During the day's first feeding, water intake is done through pipe circuits, ensuring any small residuals are rinsed out towards the distribution tank.

Piggi Soup will finalize the intake, fill pipe circuits calculated for distribution, and dose portions in the speed piglets can consume their rations.

The system is in pause mode between each dosing, waiting to distribute.

About liquid feeding systems