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Master Heater
Heating lamp for farrowing and weaner pens

Master Heater is a new generation of heating lamps for farrowing and weaner pens. The Master Heater helps to reduce energy consumption in the stables by up to 50% when combined with dual control.

Master Heater provides more even distribution of heat than traditional heat lamps. This ensures better food intake and higher survival rates among piglets as well as reduces the use of medicine.

Master Heater is waterproof IPX9K approved, being easy to clean and maintain. To clean the Master Heater, you simply use a high pressure cleaner, which means you do not have to remove it. This also helps maintain at high hygiene level.

Master Heater does not use incandescent light bulbs like traditional heat lamps. 1 year warranty. Master Heater work at a lower temperature than traditional heat lamps which reduces the risk of fire.

  • Reducing energy consumption
  • Even distribution of heat
  • Waterproof IPX9K Approved
  • Long lifetime
  • Low fire risk

162 °C Above the bulb
72,0 °C Lamp base
23,6 °C Left side from the lamp

41,9 °C Above the heating element
23,8 °C Left part above Master Heater
22,7 °C Next to Master Heater, front

41,8 °C Floor under the lamp
28,8 °C The right side from the lamp
39,3 °C Under the lamp/ lid

41,4 °C Floor under Master Heater, middle
38,0 °C Floor under Master Heater, right side
34,0 °C Floor under Master Heater, leftside
