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Ad libitum feeder for sows
Get up to 2 more piglets per litter

Ad-lib feeder from ACO FUNKI is a feeder for lactating sows, where the sow can choose how much she would like to consume from day one to weaning. Ad libitum feeding of lactating sows helps to improve feed intake, litter weight at weaning, and sow reproduction.

The Ad-lib feeder from ACO FUNKI allows the sow to mix feed and water in one feed, with no clogging, to take advantage of the many benefits of free-choice feeding of sows in farrowing crates.

Benefits of the ad-lib feeder:

  • Sow is activated
  • Sow can determine her own feed intake from day one to weaning
  • Sow can mix feed and water without bridging
  • Increased water intake and better milk production
  • Improved feed intake - The sow gets only fresh feed
  • Less feed waste
  • Increased weaning weight
  • Improved reproductive results for the sow

See the main features of the ad-lib feeder:

IMG 1073